Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Love +/= Sex ?

by An Observer

Image thanks to here

If you ask the question: “who does not like sex?” you will expect to hear the answer, “who doesn’t!” Such an answer is to be expected because we are used to thinking and therefore expressing ourselves in general terms. We often do not think of the exceptions or alternative situations. Generally too, no one will deny that sex is a pleasurable activity. Again, there are exceptions to this subject to various conditions. We have been conditioned to ignore details.

One thing is clear: without the activity of sex, there will be no mode of procreation as we know it. Another thing is that without the pleasure attached to the sexual activity, many may just procrastinate the act of procreation! The energy and effort required may make some lazy to engage in procreation.

Generally too, most will support the notion of “love”.

Some people use sex to get love. Prostitution is often considered as an act of getting pecuniary favours by giving sexual favours. Prostitution, though it has been described as the oldest ‘profession’ in human history, is frowned upon by society as immoral. In prostitution, both the prostitute and the customer have a contract. It is simply sex for money and no other attachments or commitments are involved. Both parties are clear as to the activity concerned.

Likewise, in a situation where there is ‘consensual sex’, the position is also clear. Assuming both parties are emotionally stable and rational, one would not expect any complications.

But what about so called normal, ordinary situations where a woman, for example, manipulates a guy into having sex with her and then uses it as an emotional bait to trap him into a serious relationship? We have often heard remarks such as “How can you have sex with me if you do not love me?” (Forgetting that the guy can also ask: “did I force or mislead you?”) “You have not called me since we had sex” (forgetting that even earlier, the guy hardly calls), “You have used me” (forgetting that if the guy really had wanted sex, he could have sought for a less complicated alternative). How would you describe such women? Blackmailers? Immoral? Worse than prostitutes since unlike the prostitutes who want just money, such women wants the man’s life?!

Is it love or cruelty to get someone into a relationship using sex?

Others use love to get sex. I suppose men usually fall in this category though I am certain some women do too. Here you have the guy who uses ‘Bollywood’ language before and ‘Western” language after the event! Song and dances before and “that was just sex” language after. Such guys see women as nothing more than sexual objects or tools for their sexual gratification. If society frowns upon a rapist who forces himself upon the women, how do we treat men who manipulate emotions in a women? At the least when the rapist approaches you, you know that he is going to hurt you. What about guys who earn your trust and then betray you merely for skin? Is not betray of trust worse?

Ordinarily we are very quick to judge the rapist (and rightly so), but very slow to judge the guys who go around treating women as receptacles for their lust. In some societies, such men are even applauded as a “Casanova”. It is unfathomable that a cruel act of cheating someone can be applauded! A thief steals property. A casanova robs a person of faith in other human beings. Is this not cruel?

At some stage in our lives, there may be confusion between love and sex. Lust is mistaken for love. It is important to distinguish between the two and you need to have the integrity, honesty and courage to do the necessary.

We would agree that a relationship can only be stable if there is ‘two way love’. In a stable relationship, love and sex become indistinguishable. You cannot force someone to feel for you in a way that the person does not. This is like forcing the other to be untrue to you or be a hypocrite. If you insist, then you are being narcissistic and you do not really love him/her.

Fatal attractions are the worst nightmare for anyone.

What do you think?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Illusion and deception of Power

Contrary to popular belief, power and glory are not ‘difficult’ to achieve though it is thought to be achieved by only a select few in society. In a sense, everyone who is born gradually attains power of sorts as he grows until he reaches a pinnacle of power whereupon; his power declines and then ends with death. A simple example will be the comparison between a baby and a teenager. The teenager yields much power compared to a baby.

This natural aspect of power has often been forgotten by many because of the distraction of “artificial” power”. By artificial power, I mean that power which is enhanced by the use of illusions and deceptive methods. Example, teenager A of equal natural capacity with teenager B is of equal power naturally. However, when the image of teenager B is artificially propped up by various means, teenager B creates the illusion that he is more powerful than teenager A. Examples of artificially propping tools are like certain clothing, a fictitious storyline, etc.

Likewise, Mr A of equal natural capacity with Mr B is of equal power naturally. But the moment, you use tools of illusion and deception such as presenting Mr B as His Excellency Mr B or Datok B or Dr B, you immediately give Mr B an illusion that he wields greater power than Mr A. In reality, they have the same natural power but the illusion of power favours Mr B. You can in reality ignore either and hence render them both powerless.

Power is present only when it is acknowledged and recognized. Power is effective only if you are subservient to it. Other wise, it remains illusory because other than the natural power, it is an illusion.

The myths concerning the "power" of artificial power exists because of several factors. Firstly, the confusion between natural power and artificial power. Natural power is naturally available to everyone and it is evolutionary without any effort to achieve it. It only needs to be recognized and used accordingly. Example, from not being able to run, you can run. From not being able to reason (as a baby), you are now able to reason (as an adult).

Secondly, power has been equated with wealth and political power. The person with greater wealth is deemed to be more powerful than one who has less. The one with political power is deemed to be more powerful than one who has not. Though naturally, all have equal power, but in terms of illusion, they appear to have differing levels of power. Example: a Master and a peasant. The Master wants obedience from the peasant. The peasant refuses to obey. All sorts of punishment is meted out against the peasant and he still refuses to obey. The Master’s power to get obedience is ineffective because in reality it is an illusion of power. At the extreme case, the Master orders the peasant to be executed for disobedience.

The Master may have the peasant’s corpse but never his obedience. The very fact of this execution order by the Master is his admission that his “power” had failed to get obedience from the peasant. Being an illusion of power, it is only effective if the peasant submits to it. Natural power cannot fail. The Master failed because the peasant succeeded in using his natural power against the illusion of power held by the Master.

Artificial power exists only if it is recognized and acknowledged. For example, if all the peasants had refused to recognize the Master, could all the peasants be executed? Then, he would be the Master of whom? The moment you refuse to recognize the Master, his power over you ceases. Your natural power comes to the fore and against his artificial power, you will certainly win.

Thirdly, many do not understand the distinction between memory and heart in the context of natural and artificial power. Ghandi had faith in his natural power and used it for the good of humankind. In his fight against injustice in Africa he called upon non-violence or satyagraha. For those who do not understand natural power, it may seem a contradiction in terms when you call upon people to fight with the ‘weapon’ of non-violence. Artificial power hurts the body. Natural power overcomes the heart.

Many world leaders and personalities have come and gone where some are remembered in the heart while some are remembered in the mind. Those who are remembered with the heart had allowed their natural power to communicate with others. Those who are remembered with the mind had used their artificial power. What is in the mind is subject to memory loss and thus require reminders. What is in etched in the heart requires no reminder for it is felt.

Once a leader with immense artificial power dies, he is remembered only in history or on artificial occasions unless he had touched the people with his natural power. This is because artificial power being illusory dies with the owner. Close your eyes and think Mao, Jesus, Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Hitler, Ghandi, Stalin, Mother Teresa, etc. You will find interchanging stimuli between your mind and the heart. Therein lies the difference between artificial power and natural power. Natural power being real, lives long after the death of the owner.

Have you observed that the child has no wealth or political power but she is able through her natural powers make the parents do her bidding? The natural power possessed by a child is so strong that it controls many areas of our life. The advertisers and image builders recognize this power and attempt to convert it into artificial power for their clients.

Fourthly, God calls upon us through our natural power while evil whispers to us through artificial power. Natural power may appear slow to achieve results but it lasts. Artificial power seems fast to achieve its ends but it terminates. Human beings being inclined towards impatience and hastiness, tend towards artificial power in the name of expediency, pragmatism and such. Artificial power being illusory, in the ultimate analysis, the respective human beings gets deceived.

The divine call to utilise natural power is non compulsive. You have a choice. There is no force, no violence, it is soft but firm. There is love, compassion. Natural power needs only itself without any external aid for its effectiveness and existence.

The evil call to utilize artificial power is compulsive in nature and threatening. There are attempts to take away your choice, most times even violently. Artificial power needs coercion, deception, violence and force for its existence and apparent effectiveness.

The great scriptures in the world often describe this life as nothing but play and amusement. Partly this is so because of the confusion in the human mind that artificial power is real and hence they become slaves when they are actually born free. Due to this confusion and the reinforcement of this confusion systematically by an illusory complex system, what is unnatural gradually becomes accepted as real.

Hence most human beings end up being deceived to live as slaves to the artificial powers of other mortals. Since they have chosen to live as slaves, albeit sometimes well fed and well taken care of, they go through this life never having lived their own life.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Where did my Life go? When?

Image thank to here

We are so used to ourselves – in so many ways. Our face, our smell, our mannerisms, our this and our that. Everyday we look at ourselves in the mirror and get so used to it. We might even forget that we are beautiful or ugly in the eyes of others. In our eyes, we are we.

Being mortals, we go though a process – of being weak, to being strong and then returning to the state of weakness we began from. Some describe this as the journey from “cradle to grave”.

As a child, we are curious, full of energy, full of hope and full of faith. We only see ourselves growing from strength to strength. With no knowledge to increasing knowledge. Slowly, slowly we get into the world. From our “safe world” we now have to come face to face with the world of others – our first challenge of acceptance, understanding and self adjustment. Some manage fast, some take a lifetime. Each their own journeys.

Then, we reach the age of teen. The age of attention, The boys and girls - each with their own sense of what is important. Their own attractiveness – the hair style, the macho body, the show of skin and flesh, the lingo, the clothes, etc, etc – each out to express each one’s sense of uniqueness. Each trying very hard to be a different. Mostly at the superficial level because many, many just takes years before wisdom visits them.

Many die before attainting wisdom.

Then the age of apparent control. The world invites you into the system. Makes you part of the system. If before you were the recipient, you now are made to think you are the shaper and decider of events. You become anointed as an “adult”, whatever that word really means. Power. And with power breeds arrogance, loss of thankfulness, greed and most importantly , self delusion.

Then, the age of stabilizing as if there is such a thing as a “stable life”. But of course, mortals have an easy but misleading criteria of stabilizing – material successes and the applause of the ignorant majority. The car that you drive, the house that you live in, the clothes that adorn your body, the circle of friends whom you are seen with and such. And yet, many a “stabilized individuals” experience intense unhappiness when alone and by themselves deep, deep within their hearts. While the audience and their “friends” are applauding their “success, they feel a void in their life.

Have I been cheated by life?, they ask. Where did my life go- and when?

Then you enter the old age, period of sickness and real loneliness. Where has all the attractiveness, the energy, vitality, need for other people’s approvals all gone? If once upon a time, it was very important that you can run a 100 metres in 10 seconds, all you want now is to be able to get off your bed without help from someone else. Definition of success relatively changes.

If, once upon a time, it was so important that you looked pretty or sexy or macho, now all you wish for is for your body not to get more unhealthy. While all your life, you had focused on the FORM, life now has brought your focus back to the SUBSTANCE…but a trifle too late!

If once you were busy fighting against others for all sorts of dubious causes, now you can hardly move your finger to feed yourself. If you had stood tall and arrogant, now you could hardly …………..

If once upon a time, it was important how people see you and you take all efforts to spruce up your persona, now you can hardly see anything due to falling sight.

Try, just try to enjoy life. After all, if you can read this, that means you are “comfortable in life” and hence no amount of urging you to introspect is going to succeed! Only life can be the best teacher. And that includes to me.

Peace !

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Image thanks to this site.

There was a puddle of water on the ground. I was moved to peek into it and suddenly I found myself pulled deep into it. I was falling weightlessly and perceived Hime floating along whispering the following thoughts into my mind:

“You can have all the discussions that you want. After all, while there is a mouth, there is always the inclination to want to talk. If you observe carefully at people in public places, they are always talking. The lips never seem to stop. It keeps moving and keeps making sounds. It leaves you wondering that people have so much to say about so many things.

One often overlooks that compared to one mouth; nature had decided to give human beings two ears. But how many do actually listen. They may hear what you say, but do they listen? Do you listen to what you hear?

To listen is to understand what is being said. To hear is to hear the sounds, the words - not the meaning.

Listening is one of the major activities of human beings that have been grossly overlooked. You mortals have never made the time and effort to cultivate this skill. Hence, you have many problems.

People listen to what they like to hear. It does not matter if it is simply a myth or an untruth or a deep seated prejudice born of ignorance.

They simply hear what they do not want to listen; even if it is the truth that can save them.

If you insist only on hearing and never listening, how then can you ever “progress to higher levels”? How then can you ever, ever live as one? Refusing to listen, mortals can never live as one in true harmony on this transient planet called earth.

For expediency sake, you live a life of mutual tolerance until you reach the brink of it. Without acceptance born of understanding and knowledge, there can never be lasting, genuine relationships. You simply move on from one relationship crisis to another, with short spans of occasional truce.

What is the point of discussions when each partakes with preconceived ideas cast in stone? While the other is expounding his views, you hear what he says but in fact you are listening to what is in your mind that you want to say when the other has finished.

You do not allow at all for what is in your mind to be tested, to be challenged or to be verified by facts and alternative perceptions. Hence, your ignorance and your standards remain with you and your clan. Completely incestuous level of thinking.

Your refusal to listen enables your views to be fortified over time until it becomes not only the truth but the absolute truth to you. Over centuries of faithful repetition and rote learning by your descendants, even the lie becomes the ultimate truth.

Any other alternative viewpoints hurts you and you are willing to hurt back harder. Centuries of repetition has made even the lie your true culture and value. An invitation to reevaluation is seen as an affront on your “sacred’ way of life and culture.

Each clan with its insistence of its own ways, buttressed by the support of its very own experts in its midst. Clan struggle and futile aggressive proselytisation of the others to your ways without inviting thinking has become a norm among you.

Hence, you should never be surprised that mortals will orphan another, make another a widow, kill a son or a mother, or father or the beloved one of another simply in the name of maintaining one’s own ways.

Your refusal to listen to each other solidifies the bridge that is between you. The bridge will forever be there, without which your relationships will cease to exist. With the bridge, the relationship will never grow into one unity, especially if the bridge is merely a convenient tool.

Humans have become such fools they keep repeating the phrase “to bridge relationships” when a bridge is nothing more than an intermediary between two terrain and two things. As long as the intermediary is there, the two can never be one. AT each end of the bridge, each crawls back into its accepted cocoons. Shouldn’t you be forging relationships instead? Shouldn’t you be accepting each other as unique creations without the need to be uniform like a factory product?

Of course you can never allow your diverse nature’s to come alive as each of you do not listen to what nature has been telling you for ages. ‘Since each of you wants the other to be like you, the strongest tribe among you will succeed in dominating the others’. Domination invariably equals oppression. Anything oppressed, over time naturally springs back. The natural law of the coil.

Any and every type of domination is bound to create strife, discord and tension within the community of humankind. Call it culture, call it religion, call it laws, call it norms or call it by any fancy name or jargon but domination is never the same as structured living. Hypocrisy for a while, and rebellion or revolution at the end. Your refusal to listen to each other creates miseries for you all.

If not listening is already dangerous, consider the indoctrinating techniques that are systematically used to make you not listen to each other. My dear mortals, ironical though it may seem, humans are being trained and indoctrinated in the art of NOT listening to each other for centuries. Mortals are not aware of this because it has become common place like breathing. That is how successful the techniques are.

The techniques are given various labels – religion, race, class, family honour, country, love, culture, belief, language, etc, etc. Labels meant for convenience of understanding have become monstrous tools of division and hate and misery.

Even a snake occasionally sheds its old skin. But each of you not only want to continue wearing the old skin but want others to follow suit. Other wise, you deem others as negatively different and that is bad. Human beings – even in death they insist on differences. Alas for this species and its preservers!”

I struggled and finally pulled myself out of the puddle, scarcely drowning. Puffing for breath, I realized Hime was gone and I was left accompanied by myself again.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Busy with Living or just busy?

Image thanks to Jonathan.

And there I was walking through the forest of life in my half-wake moments when I chanced upon Hime.

Hime said, “have you seen the one who busies himself in life?”

I did not understand the real question. I thought it was good to be busy in life. Busy means living life is it not?

“No, “said Hime, reading my thoughts. “Being busy is certainly being active. But being active does not necessarily mean one is living. Look at life. Life is never static. It develops, it improvises, it enhances, it overcomes. It is active but never busy”.

“There is a difference between being active and being busy. Difference between being busy and living”, he continued.

My mind did not understand what sounded to me like some mumbo-jumbo that is so irrelevant to this modern fast phased life.

Again reading my thoughts Hime responded, “ Modern fast phased life. What is that? We often forget that there is no hurry to meet death as it will be on time. The question is: have we been living or have we been busy before it arrives. Many mortals often ask when they reach old age: ‘where has my life gone? They would not have asked it if they had lived. But nay, they had been too busy to live”.

I looked at Hime and concluded that Hime could read thoughts. Hime was a cloudy appearance in my eyes or maybe in my mind. Hime seemed both concerned and unconcerned with the dialogue that was occurring between us.

“That is because, once you learn to live, you just live and no longer are concerned as to whether you are concerned or not. You are no longer inclined to thinking in boxes ad life as a whole cannot be boxed into specific categories except for mere understanding by mortals who have yet to attain understanding”. Hime did it again with my thoughts.

“Being busy is yet another manifestation of mortal’s strong sense of selfishness. Everyone is trapped in this evil culture of busy-ness so that mortal relationships are strained at all levels. Busy-ness assists in relegating relationships to the level of superficialities, expediency and convenience. Long lasting and sincere relationships became as extinct as the dinosaurs. Busy-ness makes one a stranger to oneself because being so busy one has never had the quality time to seek who oneself is. This is the evil of the culture of busy-ness that has crept on to you mortals”.

I was trying hard to understand what Hime was saying but I let Hime ramble on while I tried thinking. Could this be the reason why we have so many miseries in life, I asked myself.

“The world of mortals is made up by the mortals themselves, collectively and individually. Everything that you experience and see around you is the collective manifestation of the inner experience and what you see from within collectively”.

I do not understand.

“Of course you do not – yet. You have allowed yourself to be blinded by what is not as what is. You have collectively gone against the laws o nature and not live by its rules. Alas, the laws of nature will overcome you mortals”.

I do not understand the external-internal thingy, I thought.

Hime explains: “In this forest, what I see is the tree, for example. I see a tree as a tree being part of a whole process called the natural life. You mortals see a tree as potential tissues, a potential house, as timber, as a hindrance to progress and so on. What is destruction, you see internally as progress and construction. You all collectively busy yourself with this process of destruction of all that is natural and go about it the most evil way possible calling it efficiency, etc, etc. You create positive sounding labels to hide your guilt and give awards to each to other for the damage that you unleash. You are busy but never living”.

“If you never had cared to know who you really are, how real can your caring be for others? To avoid meeting yourself in private, you keep yourself busy”.

“Do you know that the system has made you busy so that you can be slaves?”

Now, this was really getting a bit too heavy for me. Me a slave? Nahh, I am always in control of my choices.

“Really? That is a mass delusionary syndrome that has infected all of your mortals. The busy culture has succeeded in taking away your time for self reflection and for deep evaluation of what is occurring around you. All of you mortals have been reduced to workers and have been frightened to become acquisitioners. The more you acquire, the more enslaved you become and the further you move from yourself…you only wait to die”

“The busy culture is intended to deflect your attention from the grand plan of controlling you, to keep you dependant on the system, to lay out the choices that you are allowed to make, to reduce you from a being human being to becoming just a small tool of the system, “ He paused and then said, “ to prevent you from living”.

Before I could think any more thoughts, Hime just disappeared living me alone in the silence of the forest. For the first time in my life, I realised that I was accompanied by someone I had ignored all my life – myself. Who is he???

Monday, July 6, 2009


I love being in love.
I think too many of us just simply are afraid to love.
To love is to "let go",
to give and not to expect,
to feel, to simply do because you want to do.

When you love because you love,
there is no sense of rejection
and even the transient pain
is testimony
of your love.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009


She wrote this to me:

Hi dude! How u doin? For me, well, life goes on. Sometimes it feels like the sunshine and the breeze never go away. I bask in it man! At other times, it feels like real shit. U know what I mean? Oh God, why must it be a roller coaster?

I dunno dude. Life can get confusing most times, know what I mean? Don’t get me wrong. I wanna be a good person and all that. Heck, I am a good person. But shit, people can really f*** u up sometimes. I mean people you trust. Friends. Shit! When friends betray you, it reaaally hurts. I mean, how do u trust people after all that huh? Life got to go on, I suppose.

Anyways, thanks for listening.

Be good. Ciao!

I replied:

Hi babe! I’m aright. Chill it. There aint no fun with sunshine and no rain. Hey babe…enjoy both. Bask in both. You never know why the pain. Maybe to make the gain taste better huh?

Confusing? Seems so, rite? I like to think it is challenging and maybe exciting. Know what I mean? Its like playing jigsaw puzzle, putting the pieces together….needs lots of patience…and when you piece it together one day, then you’ll know. What’s the hurry babe? You late to go somewhere? Enjoy putting the pieces together, patiently, every moment. You’ll get there but get there by enjoying the journey.

That’s great isn’t it – meeting shitty people? I mean, how could we appreciate the good ones without these scumbags around? But don’t be too angry with them or hate them. They are lost too. Just ignore them and get on with the cool ones around you. Plenty of them out there – waiting to meet you –in time.

Thanks too for writing to me. In that sense, you shared a moment of my life.

Take care. Boi-boi!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Why Third Eye?

They asked. Are not the two eyes enough? I can only answer as such: if it was, why was the third eye given? There must be a purpose in everything that exists.

There are many things that the two eyes see which are not. There are many things which are, which the two eyes do not see. The truth is when you see, you not only see with your eyes, but you see with the baggage that is in your mind.

Some see the plurality of human groupings, languages, culture and religions as divisive and a problem for unity. Other sees it as a blessing from the Supreme and a matter to be celebrated by the mortals. The diversity enriches and excites their otherwise mundane lives.

The Third Eye will teach you to see what your soul sees. But many fear this.

Most mortals have no sense of their own. They like cows that move in a herd. Like the cow who thinks that only grass is food, and the ranch is the world, most mortals too believe that their space is the world.

Hence in this make belief world that their mind and ignorance has created, they wreck as much mischief as their ignorance and arrogance will allow. To make the mischief palatable, they confer awards, rewards and praises on each other.

In this sense, the journey called life is a painful path because almost every mortal conspires in their selfish quest to make living as miserable an experience as possible for everyone.

The Third Eye sees this and understands that in the ultimate analysis, the illusion of life will not deter him from peaceful coexistence with nature. He will not be cajoled to be part of the conspirators though praise or scorn is heaped upon him.

How can one trust the one that, in futility, tries to deceive the Supreme? Those who attempt to be gods over men when their own death and sickness they have no power to prevent? When as the Book says, they cannot prevent even the fly from taking away their food before their very eyes?

Most see the wealth, family, power and influence that they have as symbols and expressions of their greatness. The Third eyes sees them nothing more and nothing less that what is. And the Third Eye knows that it is but the most formidable of tests of the body that is prone to self aggrandizement.

You may see that which is happening as something new. But the Third Eye sees this but as a cycle – a repetition of old things to new people with the same tests.

But many fear to use the Third Eye for it tells you as it is.

Friday, June 5, 2009



just me.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Senses and Sensations

Are you not glad?
You have two eyes that see
A mouth that speaks
Ears that hear and feet that walks
Hands that grasps.

Are you not glad?
Your eyes see the richness and good life around you
You mouth speaks of wealth and luxury
Your ears hear the best of music and pleasantries
Your hands grasp the healthy hands of those you love

I too have
Eyes – that see despair and suffering around me
Mouth –that can express only sympathy
Ears- that hear cries of hunger from the young that have yet to learn restraint
Hands that hold the dying and the sick around me.

I am from Ethiopia, Palestine,
Bangladesh, India,
Mozambique and such
Why do we have the same senses
But different sensations?

I praise the Lord that you
do not have to experience what I do
I am grateful that
your eyes do not see the daily destruction and death around me
your ears do not hear the cries of children and frightened men and women
your mouth do not tell lies of a hopeful future
your hands do not hold your head in states of despair.

My friend,
I apologise
For sharing with you
this morbid sensations that my senses feel
Forgive me for disturbing your peace
For I succumbed to my weakness to share.

I beseech you,
Forget what I said
Continue with your happy lives
For you deserve it.
We do not.

Just me.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Let me go down on my knees
Let me humble myself at your feet
Let me say I am sorry

I am sorry for the color of my skin
I am for my language
I am sorry that my parents are poor
I am that their color is not the same as your parents
I am sorry that my children follow my color
I am sorry I was born this way.

I am not excusing myself
But it is the truth:
I had no say the way I am to be born.
If I know my color will offend you so much
And if I could
I would have asked not to be born
So that you may be happy.
So that you may have it all.

I offer this from the bottom of my heart
To appease you
For the fault of my skin color
Please take my life
Just kill me
BUT one thing I ask:

Please let my parents and my children live
As human beings
As you
with dignity and love.

just me.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


What do you want me to do?
I cannot, how hard I try hate you just because your heart is filled with hate.
No, I am not indifferent to your state. I care. I do cry sometimes and ask that may the Power restore you to your goodness.
I hope that you will see the damage that is unleashed by your hate on others and yourself.
Sure, I hate the effects of your hate on people, on you and on everything that comes your way.
But I cannot hate you.
How could I when I am not sure why you hate so much.
Where did you learn this evil power?

Yes, I understand the reasons that others give to explain your hate
They say you are selfish
They say you want to survive and protect your position
They say you are an evil person.
But that is what mortals say in mortal language

My eyes see differently
My eyes see you hurting yourself
Deceiving yourself
Your hate is burning you every minute
And you mistakenly think that is strength.

I do not know. I am not sure.
Maybe you have come into my path to remind me what goodness and evil is?
In that sense you are sent to teach me
You were sent to make sure I am steadfast on my path
You were sent to remind me to forever love

So, what do you want me to do?
I simply cannot hate you.
Hate me all you want
I only hope my love can consume your hate
Let them call me a fool
For I do not know what else to do
But to love.

Just me.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I looked around the room
too many tools and things
a bed, a sofa, a chair, tv, etc,etc
too many distractions
too many things
that are not of me.

I looked around the room
found a corner
I lied down
trying to get as much of me
as possible
into the corner
curling myself into the fetal position.

I tried to recall
the purpose of my being
of my presence
of my transience
of the memory
of who I am
not what I have become.

In the fetal position
tears flowed down my cheeks
at the illusion
called life
in my sadness, I felt a tinge of joy
a joy that worldly words
cannot comprehend.

I now recall what I wish
I wont forget
of who I am
and what I have become
and how I can become
who I am.

just me.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Balancer: You will bow

And you thought that I will never catch up with you?
How could that ever be?
When I was there before time than you?

I was there at the point of creation
and I was there with those of you before you
call me by any name
call me natural law
call me reality
call me sufferings
call me liberation
call me anything
I was there before you

And how could you ever think you can elude me?
I am your balancer
your whip or your soother
depending on how you perceive me
but I am me irregardless of your perception.

I can come in many experiences
I am your sickness
I am your worries and fears
I am your sufferings
I am your old age
I am there
till death takes you away from my clutches.

And you
arrogant mortal
think you own the earth?

Be warned I am there
forever there
to temper your arrogance
and to make you bow humbly like the shadows
of the forenoon.

just me.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Voice

You know that you were born with The Voice
even if you did not realize it earlier
you knew it
and you were made to know it
at many stages of your life
BUT you decided not to listen to it.

You were born with The Voice
it is all that you needed
to live in this world
you knew it
and you were made to know it
at many stages of your life
BUT you decided not to listen to it

You tried very hard to avoid The Voice
tried to do the impossible
so, being impossible, you ignored
whatever it said
you went about your life your way
the way divergent from that which
The Voice was beckoning you to

But The Voice that you were born with
was meant for YOU
it was meant to be your personal guide
and protector
and you were made to know it
at many stages of your life
BUT you decided not to listen to it.

Having not listened to The Voice
you live your life in vain
though you perceive it otherwise
How could you perceive WHAT IS
when you are surrounded by the very things
that prevents WHAT is from being perceived?

In vain
you avoid the Voice
that you will be confronting
when the curtain falls
as it will.

just me.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Like a fire it consumes you
all you can see is just the flames
and the smoke fills your lungs
and you just want to cough
out the phlegm at the target of your
intense hatred

and then
the little devil appears
with horns and a smirk
inciting you further
and you burn and you burn
your anger ever increasing

you want to burn your target
but alas

just me.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today I have decided to blog with words pouring from my heart.

Don't expect me to be polite. No, I don't intend to be rude but just saying it as it is.

If you can stand what I say, please stay. If not, remember I did not invite you.

Live your life and let me live mine.

Lets share it if you allow.

We are sharing anyway.

You just do not know it

Like many things in your life.