Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why do you talk what you talk?

Everywhere you turn your eyes, you will find that people do not stop talking.

Everyone has something to say about anything. It does not matter whether what they is necessary or relevant. It seems to be more important that they say something.

Just look around you. People do not stop moving thier mouths. They just talk and talk and talk.

No one ever pauses to ask why they talk.

No one ever pauses to ask why they talk what they talk.

Because they never pause to ask, they just talk without knowing why they talk.

Because they never pause to ask, they just talk without knowing why they talk what they talk.

Most people love to talk so much without knowing why and hence, most people love talkers. It does not matter what the talker talks about as long as he is able to talk and talk. If the talker is able to talk about the most irrelevant and insignificant matter, he will be held up in high esteem.

If the talker is able to sensationalise his talks, he will be held up in higher esteem. The talker must not pause from his talking, for pause means silence.

Silence is held in contempt by most people. Silence forces them to be confronted with thier inner selves. It forces them to think.

People do not like thinkers. They like talkers.

Talkers entertain and fill up thier self created void in thier lives. Thinkers force them to think about the void in thier lives.

Thinkers advocate silence. Seclusion. To be comfortable in a cave, in darkness, to confront with the Self. To accept the Reality.

Talkers advocate noise. Exclusion of Self. To be comfortable with the crowd, in bright blinding light. To embrace the Illusion.

Most people love illusion as opposed to Reality - cosmetics, superficialities, rationalizations, grandisosity, pomposity, and anything that inflates the ego. Talkers can deliver all these to them. Thus they love talkers.

Talkers talk about laughing and do not encourage crying. Their sense of happiness is limited to the illusion of laughter and the denial of the joy of crying.

Thinkers love simplicity and embrace Reality with total happiness. They love the silence that brings them back to their Self. They neither cry nor laugh within though outwardly they do.

Are you a thinker or a talker?


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why Do You Remain in the State of Unhappiness and Misery? – Part 2

Life is a balance.

It is the balance that gives tranquility, serenity and peace. When the balance is tampered, there is no tranquility, serenity nor peace. It is that simple.

The balance in life is natural and eternal. The opposite is transient. You must allow the natural forces to maintain that balance. You must understand and know what the natural forces are. You must swim and flow WITH it, not AGAINST it. Nature left to itself behaves like water – finds and returns to its own balance always. It always returns to a state of tranquility, serenity and peace.

But you are different. You are human. You are a part of nature but have been given the power to choose to be WITH or AGAINST the forces of nature. Either decision will determine whether you will be happy and not miserable or otherwise.

Choice is not necessarily a good or bad thing.

It can either lead you down the garden path or down the path of fire. The power of choice without wisdom is devastating. Choice in the hands of the foolish is destructive. You need wisdom to make the right choices.

Wisdom is not knowledge alone.

There are many knowledgeable fools roaming the earth causing further untold unhappiness and misery. There are many more who are confused between the accumulation of information and knowledge. Can we call a computer knowledgeable despite the vast information it may have?

Understanding and knowing is the essence that differentiates the fool from the wise.

Wisdom comes from being one with nature. Wisdom comes when we learn to understand nature NOT as we want to but as how nature itself wants to be understood. You simply let the cards fall where they may and learn from the natural design.

The true understanding of nature leads to acceptance of nature and hence ourselves. It is like the rain that falls onto a mountain and flows all the way to the sea. You may call it a waterfall at one stage, a stream at another, or a river, or the sea at the end.

Water knows that it is water at all of these stages. It does not confuse the stages with its true nature. It does confuse the process with itself. It accepts the natural process without rebellion nor hesitation while not losing sense of its own nature.

But you are different. Being a human living this life based on beliefs which you do not know, you confuse the stages in your life with your true nature. In the process, you forget who you really are. You forget your nature. You cause a conflict between your beliefs and your true nature upsetting the balance within you.

Thus, you end up being unhappy and miserable and keep repeating this cycle all your life.

While nature will find its own balance naturally, you, the human, have been given choices. So, you have to choose to find the balance again – if you want to.

To find this balance, you have to return to its source – you.

You have to get to know yourself putting aside what you believe about yourself. Belief without knowing is mostly futile.

Are you ready to know yourself?

Will you allow yourself to be known to you?

Do you want to know why you are reading this in the first place?

The key to breaking the cycle of unhappiness and misery to know your self, your nature.


NEXT: Why Do You Remain in the State of Unhappiness and Misery? – Part 3 (IF it is meant to be written)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

If you want happiness and freedom from misery why do you keep walking away from it?

Human beings almost always do the opposite of what they consciously want.

You say you want happiness and freedom from misery but you keep doing everything possible that will make you more unhappy and more miserable.

You try to chase for that “happiness” when you do not even know what “happiness” all about.

You set a goal and tell yourself that the achievement of your goal will make you happy. You work hard at achieving that goal. You neglect everything else. Someone has told you that you have to be focused to achieve that. You believed without knowing.

Focus is good but you are focusing on achieving something that you believe will make you happy. You believe that it will make you happy but you do not know if it will. You just proceed with your belief without ever making the effort to know what is it that you are chasing. You have never tried to know if achieving that goal will really make you happy.

You have never tried to know what happiness is for you. How could you when you have never really even tried to know yourself?

Since you have never known yourself, you keep chasing after things that satisfy your ego, your desires and your beliefs. You mistake these things for what you want.

Since they are not what you need but believed they are what you wanted, you end up unhappier than before. You become more miserable and set up another goal that you believe will make you happy.

As long as you keep living in this cycle of belief after belief without knowing, you will repeat the cycle of unhappiness and misery in your life.

If you want to be happy, you must know.

If you want to be free from misery, you must know.

You must first know what causes unhappiness and misery.

Only then can you avoid the cycle of unhappiness and the ensuing misery.


NEXT: What causes unhappiness and misery (IF it is meant to be written)