Santim recalls the evening whence he was not sure if he had been sleeping or awake and heard these voices :
Give me Life, Lord.
[and what will you do if you are given one?]
I want to breathe, experience humanity. I want to taste its joys, sorrows, pain, happiness and all that temporal experiences that is called “life on earth”.
I want to know what is eating, sleeping, growing up and then dying.
[Are you sure?]
I am sure that is what I want. I will be good and I will not cause any mischief on your Earth. For sure I will take good care of earth which will be my mother while I am alive.
[You speak of things that you know not]
I mean these things. Just give a chance. Give me life – any life. I want to taste it.
[You will not want the pain and you will be intoxicated with the joys. You will reject a complete life]
NO. For sure I wont. I know that both pain and joy is life. If it is life that I want, I must want both these things. I will learn from both. I will not get intoxicated by joy and depressed by the pain. I know none of them are permanent. So, please give me Life.
[You will want to cling on to life]
Ha ha. NO. No way. Life is transient and I know it is transient. I will not be illogical to want to pretend what is transient is permanent. As I grow up in life, I will prepare myself for giving it up.
[You speak of things that you know not]
Trust me, I know these things. I just want to taste life. I promise I will live life to the fullest by appreciating everything life has to offer. I will share my joys with others and share their pain. I will praise the Lord by making sure others can taste the greatness of His Creation.
[You will be arrogant and possessive.]
Impossible! How can I ever be arrogant when I as baby will have to be fed and tend for by another human? So, too in old age or sickness. I will be forever humbled by the forces for nature and my limited knowledge of the secrets of life.
I will never be possessive when I know nothing really belongs to me but is on loan from mother earth. I will not be happy when other has none. So, please give me life.
[You will destroy and kill earth and all that you come into contact with. You will upset the balance of nature]
No. No. I will not. How could I destroy when it will be mother earth that will provide for my sustenance on earth? I will leave behind my mark of contribution to mother earth – as a gratitude for sustaining me on earth. I will respect all the other men and women, the flora and the fauna, the seas and the mountains, the animals and all creatures. Trust me and give me Life.
How could I ever kill when it is Life that I want for myself? I am propagating Life and not Death. So give me a body and give me Life.
[You will cause dissension and disunity among your own species]
No, please I will never do that. I will remind myself and others that the body is just a vessel to travel on earth. It is not the real “I” or “them”. I know that whatever the colour of the skin, biologically we all of the same species. I will make sure we all will stick together like a herd of elephants. We will not fight each other. We will help each other. We will not create labels to disunite. Please give me a chance – give me Life.
[You speak of things that you know not]
[Be that as it may, you are hereby given life and shall suffer the consequences of your request. Upon your first breath as you leave the comfort of your mother’s womb, this conversation shall be erased from your memory. You shall live a life on earth and shall die on earth. Life shall you taste as you write the script from your own hands]
And Santim recalls the poem he wrote:
Engulfing darkness
Blood-stained room
The feel of an earthquake
Cold wind blowing
Blinding light approaching.
I was evicted
from the warmth of the womb.